The Long And Winding Road
“The long and winding road that leads me to your door
Will never disappear
I’ve seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to your door.” -The Beatles, 1970
“But the gateway (door) to life is very narrow and the road difficult,
And only a few find it.” Jesus Christ, 33 AD
I grew up with the Beatles. For me, their god-like popularity spanned my grammar school years well into high school. (1963-1970) Since becoming a Christian, with the discernment of the Holy Spirit and God’s word, along with learning of their occultic connections, I no longer have that same sense of worshipful awe I had for them. With that being said, I have never lost my appreciation of their artistry or my love for soft rock music. Yes, I realize that most of it is created by those who have no expressed faith in God but the creators are still image-bearers of God. It seems they often can’t help themselves from writing music that reflects their Creator and the One who desires to be their Savior. This goes too for all kinds of human artistic expression by non-believers.
This is the case, I believe with the Beatles last (20th) number one hit song, “The Long and Winding Road.” It is beautifully written, both musically and lyrically. My guess is that this is Paul’s reflection on the Beatle’s journey, now nearing its end. It is melancholy but with a sense of hope that the journey is leading to “your door.” The writing of this song, like so many of their songs, allows the listener to interpret what that “door” is for themselves, thus making individual, personal application
The song speaks to me about my spiritual journey with Jesus. I resonate with the song’s melancholic reflection of the sometimes painful “winding road” of the faith journey. I also find strength knowing that it is HE who is leading me on the road to HIS door. Many Christians want to ignore the warnings of Jesus that “the road is difficult and only a few find it.” We think we need to hide or downplay its difficulty or else nonbelievers won’t want to take the road. We also are deceived to believe that if we are having difficulty or struggle on the road, we are deficient in our faith, or we must have somewhere taken the wrong “Y” in the road or it wouldn’t be so hard.
I find a relief in knowing that the difficulty of the road was promised by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. This is both freeing and biblical to admit (John 16:33, 2 Timothy 3:12 etc.). Yet also, He also promises that our road is to ETERNAL LIFE! John 17:3 defines what eternal life is, “And this is the way to have eternal life-to know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” (John 17:3) This means eternal life is found RIGHT NOW ON THE ROAD in our growing relationship with God through Jesus! This relationship on this long and winding road is by FAITH now and by SIGHT then, when we walk through that door and see our Savior face to face.
Thank you, Father, that though the road can be lonely we are never alone, with the blessed Holy Spirit living within us and living within every one of our Christian brothers and sisters. And thank you dear Father that the longer we walk this road, the greater our longing becomes for our home!
In Jesus’ Name,