Not Making a Decision IS Making a Decision

“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged by not believing in God’s one and only Son.” (John 3:18)

In other words, to do nothing, to NOT actively choose to put one’s trust in Jesus Christ as Savior is doing something VERY dangerous, it is choosing to remain under the judgment that we all deserve to bear. We will either experience judgment personally in hell or we allow Jesus to experience it for us substitutionally once and for all on His cross.  “Not making a decision IS making a decision.”

 I was talking today to my two grandsons Malachi, 11, and Jet, 9 as they were driving with their dad, Sky, on a hunting and camping overnight trip in the beautiful hills of North Texas. We read the Bible together every two weeks on Sunday afternoons. This Sunday we had to do it “on the road.” We read Genesis 7 about Noah who preached 120 years as he built the Ark that God commanded. By not deciding, to believe in God’s provision of the Ark, those who perished were deciding a tragic end on every day of the 120 years when they had the chance to repent and believe! They mocked Noah and felt secure in their arrogant self-delusion. They didn’t even know what rain was! But then came a dark cloud and then a drop…and then another drop…and then a whole lot of drops poured down on them from above as well as springs of water burst forth from below! Those large doors on the Ark were then closed shut. It was now too late for them who had not made a decision! I emphasized to my grandsons that this is what it is like today. There will come time in everyone’s life when it will be too late to decide to trust in and follow Jesus Christ if they have not yet decided.

 In the job I do I offer a way for business owners to save on their credit and debit card processing. I am hung up on, treated like a “telemarketer” (oh the scum of the earth!) and told “I got that all under control “boss!” (Hey, if I’m his “boss” why isn’t this guy listening to me?) Some do listen to my little spiel and decide it would be worth their time to investigate if they can be saving money on their credit card processing. I am no “Noah” who was ridiculed for 120 years but I do feel rejection now and then. I wonder why most these business owners will not even take a little time to see if money can be saved with us. It is so much easier to pretend there is no decision to be made, that they are not being overcharged, that they have it all figured out and don’t need our help. To do nothing about potential dangers is always so much easier than having to do something about them. This is only a temporal business decision but what if we are talking about a decision that means more than that…much more?!

 When it comes to Jesus Christ NOT making a decision IS making a decision… the WRONG decision!

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